关于SSP-Smart Management
SSP-Smart Management is an application for Principal of the schools which are partnered with BOSCO SOFT TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD (www.boscosofttech.com) through the School ERP called SSP-Smart Management. Faculties can track their class activities, daily timetable, student details, attendance and photo gallery of the school's activities.
1. Login with Username and Password with SchoolCode then access multiple schools,
2. Overall attendance status of faculties and students to Principal,
3. Staff Information for Principal,
4. Search student and view their attendance, remarks, etc.
5. Register attendance for a class,
6. Modify attendance of a class,
7. Remarks registration of a student by faculties,
8. Message sending,
9. View Absentees,
10. Exam Time table of the classes which are assigned to the faculty
11. Daily Time Table for faculty