关于St. Mary's School, Buddhi Vihar, Moradabad
St. Mary's School, Buddhi Vihar, Delhi Road, Moradabad is an Educational Institution, run by the Catholic Minority Community, named Sisters of St. Ann established in the year 2015 to extend the service of education to children and youth. Following the foot steps of our founders the Sisters commit themselves, to educate and care for the children and youth specially the girls.
The Sisters have their houses in India, Italy, U.S.A., Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, U.K. Philippines, and Cameroon fulfilling its mission of Christian formation of Children and Youth and at the same time renders other charitable services like health care, Social work, village work and education of the poor.
In India it has several Schools, Colleges, Professionals, and Nursing Colleges at different states of India.
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