关于Stack Notes - Material notes
Never forget that 'one thing' again, with Stack Notes.
Stack Notes lets you create notes in bold and elegant Material Design, ensuring a intuitive an rich user experience.
Stack Notes shows your notes in elegant cards (almost resembles sticky notes) which can have any colors you'd like, using a rich and easy to use color picker, notes are personalised and fun.
Forget your old note block or diary / scheduler Stack Notes let's the user create categories to ensure that the contect is presented in an optimized fashion to the user.
Notes can be stored privately /secretly and securely since Stack Notes lets users protect their private notes using an encrypted pin code / password.
From storing passwords to a simple todo list or shoping list, Stack Notes changes the game by offering functionality to your needs.
Key features:
- Material design.
- Create categories.
- Voice to text.
- Password protect notes (encryption).
- Colorize notes.
- Share notes.
Design and development by Jamie Kalloe.
For more information, please visit: http://www.kalloe.net/stacknotes
Tags: Google Keep Sticky Notes Flat Material Design Evernote OneNote BlocNote photo's media voice recorder colored diary schedule lists handy shoppinglist share private secrey encrypt safely store notepad tacker passwords quick