Minor workflow enhancements
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 StoryMaps 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 StoryMaps 所有旧版本。下载 StoryMaps 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
Minor workflow enhancements
This update to the StoryMaps app includes a number of small improvements that make the app run more smoothly and reliably. In this version you’ll find frames enhancements, a few new topic categories, performance improvements, and a few bug fixes.
If you have an ArcGIS account, we invite you to join the open testing for the upcoming StoryMaps app that has support for ArcGIS StoryMaps customers.
Enjoy more storytelling options with the new custom template for StoryMaps frames! Now when you create a frame, in addition to the timeline and journey templates, you can choose the custom option and tell your story with any combination of map, image, and text slides. We also upgraded the reading experience for collections so that it now uses the same new story viewer to show that content at its best.
Introducing a brand new reading experience for stories! The new story viewer is faster, looks better, and has improved interactions that help readers engage and immerse themselves in the story.
Better, faster, stronger. We cleaned up many things behind the scenes and now the StoryMaps app is even better.
La aplicación StoryMaps sigue mejorando. En esta actualización encontrará lo siguiente:
• Personalización de temas para personalizar sus fotogramas. Ahora puede dar a cada uno de sus fotogramas un aspecto único que refleje su estilo y gusto personales.
• Sustituya imágenes en el constructor de fotogramas.
• Puede buscar fotogramas, historias y colecciones en los feeds.
Level up your storytelling with the new journey template for frames! Journeys are perfect for telling short, engaging stories that take your audience on a tour through significant spots, landmarks, and points of interest.
We’ve also made improvements to topic tagging and added options for the image display in your frames. You can now browse the latest content from the My Feed page.
The StoryMaps app has gotten a sweet upgrade with some exciting new features. With this update, you can enjoy:
• A new My Feed tab that’s tailored to your preferences
• A faster and easier way to tell short-form stories with Frames
• The ability to view likes and see who has liked the story
• A new interface to help you manage your content and bookmarks
• A variety of under-the-hood app enhancements and bug fixes
La aplicación StoryMaps sigue mejorando:
• El perfil y la pestaña de contenido se han fundido en una pestaña nueva. Desde aquí, puede gestionar el contenido y las historias con marcadores. También puede acceder a su perfil y a la configuración de la aplicación desde esta pestaña.
• "Favoritos" ha cambiado a "Marcador".
• Se ha actualizado el diseño de las tarjetas de historias.
• La configuración y la página de perfil se han reorganizado y pulido.
• La página Configuración se ha reorganizado.
We've made the StoryMaps app even better. In this update, we've included a few things:
• Introducing a new way to tell stories with “frames.” This first version of frames is designed for timeline stories. Let us know what you think!
• The app can now send push notifications
• We squashed some bugs
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