@kev please don’t forget to add the changelog here
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Subs TV 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Subs TV 所有旧版本。下载 Subs TV 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
@kev please don’t forget to add the changelog here
NEW* Collectible “Originals” NFT marketplace: create and sell digital Originals! As verified & approved member with “Creator” status, you can now convert any post into a cryptographically certified Original and sell it to your fans and supporters. Set and earn future royalties on your “Originals”, percentages on secondary market sales.
NEW* Add “Co-Creators” to your work and share views, hearts & all potential revenue from “Originals” sales and Royalties with Co-Creators.
Dear SUBS Community
In this version we are introducing two big features:
- SPOTLIGHT an editorial highlighting of some of your best contents for 24h!
- ELASTIC SEARCH enabling you to search content by post title, description & topics, maximizing content longevity!
Now you can disable the media viewer autoplay in the settings. If your were an early beta, you can now change your signup method from phone-number to AppleID/Google. Plus we fixed some bugs.
Thanks for the love,
your SUBS team
Dear SUBS Community
In this version we are introducing two big features:
- SPOTLIGHT an editorial highlighting of some of your best contents for 24h!
- ELASTIC SEARCH enabling you to search content by post title, description & topics, maximizing content longevity!
Now you can disable the media viewer autoplay in the settings. If your were an early beta, you can now change your signup method from phone-number to AppleID/Google. Plus we fixed some bugs.
Thanks for the love,
your SUBS team
Dear SUBS Community
In this version we are introducing two big features:
- SPOTLIGHT an editorial highlighting of some of your best contents for 24h!
- ELASTIC SEARCH enabling you to search content by post title, description & topics, maximizing content longevity!
Now you can disable the media viewer autoplay in the settings. If your were an early beta, you can now change your signup method from phone-number to AppleID/Google. Plus we fixed some bugs.
Thanks for the love,
your SUBS team
Dear SUBS Community
This version includes Signup with Google and new verified only feature settings as well as some essential bugfixes.
Thanks for the love,
see you in SUBS!
Dear SUBS Community
This version includes new verified only feature settings as well as many essential bugfixes, such as for the file picker, the birthday picker and many more.
Thanks for the love,
see you in SUBS!
Yeah, we’re live in the PlayStore!
Huge shoutout to all our thousands of beta testers for all your ongoing support, we love you guys.
In this version we’ve added a freshly designed signup form and a beautiful welcoming screen including some of the nice things you guys said about us.
Thanks for the love,
see you in SUBS!
Introducing comment threads — reply to comments to order conversations inside the comment section. Also some bug fixes.
Hey there,
here we have some fixes for the Upload for Android 9 and newer!
Best wishes, your SUBS Team
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