关于super pikachu ashoo adventure
pikachu asho adventure Is a free classic game of adventure and acrade games and fun ,The game revolves around a city without light and night So that our friend pikachu looking at a lot of pokeballs.
There are wild animals seriously want to overcome our friend Pika And prevented him from completing the road in the woods.
Hero super pika In a mission to collect lots of pokeballs to get the strength to beat the bad guys and various obstacles.
Are you ready to complete this adventure and make our pikachu hero wins and meet his friends charizard and ash and ivyasaur and bulbasaur and sqwertle and all his wonderful friends
how do you play game soper pikachu asho !
Pressing on your phone or tablet screen to jump in time to make super pikachu jumps and collects pokeball and coins to gain strength and also overcome wild monsters and various obstacles in all stages of play.
new look pika hero and Music for children.
The game graphic is beautiful and bright colors
The game is easy to suit all ages especially kids
Download in seconds a small size of the game
Thanks for downloading the game we hope you enjoy And sharing your friends ;)