关于Super Ram Booster
How Super RAM Booster lets you play your games and use important apps with lightning speed:
The intelligently designed booster engine will keep eye on RAM used by apps that are on background, and freezes/kills the background tasks which will end up in giving the "forefront" app a big RAM usability share [i.e the top most displayed app/game will get more RAM share and resources]. Thus when playing high end games, if you feel that your device is slow or lagging, just minimize the app/game and boost your RAM using TRB or just use TRB widget for that lightning speed gaming experience.
Super RAM Booster is not just another task killer. It has a newly developed innovative RAM optimization technique named "Reduced Wake Up Optimization". It scans and find the most "waking up" apps and freezes/kills* them without root/super-user permission for a better RAM Boost.Total RAM Booster gives you lot of dedicated RAM share for gaming. A must have for all devices.
First RAM booster to boost when RAM is 70%, 80% or 90% used.