关于Survive In The Cosmos
In this game aliens inverted whole space gravity. You are only one survived, planets and asteroids are flying around in no order and you have to survive.
Choose conditions, and get ready to survive.
Arcade mode
Map selection (3 maps)
Enemy selection (Asteroids and planets)
Bomb placing
Timer system
Score system
+More in future
How to play:
When launched the game, you see main game menu. You can read story by pressing read story. You also can read credits by pressing credits in main menu. In settings page you can choose map to play on, you also can choose enemy to play with, and difficulty. When you done press back button on the top left corner, then when you are ready, press start game. You can move your rocket by dragging it with your finger. You also need to place bombs where you think enemies will go, but you can only place bombs in purple zone at the bottom. Simply press your finger on that zone in place where you think planets will go. When enemie touches bomb, it dissapears and adds you score and time. You can see your score and time at the bottom left and right corners of your screen. You can see that when you are playing and when you lose. You lose when timer reaches 0 or when you touch enemy. Survive In The Cosmos is endless game, you can play it until you lose. Then game restarts, and you can play it again. No data is saved at game session. When you restart the game everything starts from scratch.
Maybe now it sounds a little bit confusing, but when you get it, it will be very easy.
Arcade mode: Press left and right buttons to move rocket, and dont touch the enemies to survive.