Ads are reduced
App text size issue fixed
Notification issue fixed
New display settings option inside the app to sync dark mode of the devices
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 Swahili Dictionary Multifuncti 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 Swahili Dictionary Multifuncti 所有旧版本。下载 Swahili Dictionary Multifuncti 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
Ads are reduced
App text size issue fixed
Notification issue fixed
New display settings option inside the app to sync dark mode of the devices
New display settings option inside the app to sync dark mode of the deices. Go to display settings and check this new feature.
Install time size is reduced
You can now choose data set based on your choice
Remove data from modify database option if you have low storage device
Some module moved to dynamic module, if you dont need it, you dont have to install it.
We are also going to remove install time features based on your suggestions
Can select the app from the context menu after long tap
Auto backup to Google Drive and DropBox added
One full screen ads on a session
Grammar section Quiz not loaded for some item issue fixed
Sharing text from other application now show instant window (Useful specially for Android 10 and above)
Floating icon copy itself issue fixed
OCR Capture screen now show details on clicking of an word
Suggestion type can be set separately for application and instant window
Can select the app from the context menu after long tap
Auto backup to DropBox added
One full screen ads on a session
Grammar section Quiz not loaded for some item issue fixed
Sharing text from other application now show instant window (Useful specially for Android 10 and above)
Floating icon copy itself issue fixed
OCR Capture screen now show details on clicking of an word
Suggestion type can be set separately for application and instant window
Instant window issue is fixed
Enable/Disable copied word from home screen.
GRE and TOEFL word list added. We will provide more option based on user suggestions.
Word of day setting changed. Can now change any number of word with your preferred time.
Sentence translation option is back and it will be improved day by day.
Bug fix and performance improvement.
Exercise and Quiz added for grammar section
Tab ordernig issue is fixed
Remove Ads from application for a certain period
Enable/Disable copied word from home screen.
GRE and TOEFL word list added. We will provide more option based on user suggestions.
Word of day setting changed. Can now change any number of word with your preferred time.
Sentence translation option is back and it will be improved day by day.
Bug fix and performance improvement.
Exercise and Quiz added for grammar section
Live Wallpaper bugs are fixed
Different type of suggestions added while searching
Performance improvement all over the app
Google play reported ANR fixed
Few minor crashes are fixed
Delete option added for backup files
Exercise and Quiz added for grammar section
Background features like floating icon, word of day, scanning, auto backup should work perfectly now
A persistent notification on the notification bar if any background feature is enabled
A new word database added
Live Wallpaper bugs are fixed
Different type of suggestions added while searching
Performance improvement all over the app
Google play reported ANR fixed
Few minor crashes are fixed
Delete option added for backup files
Exercise and Quiz added for grammar section
Background features like floating icon, word of day, scanning, auto backup should work perfectly now
A persistent notification on the notification bar if any background feature is enabled
A new word database added
Live Wallpaper bugs are fixed
Different type of suggestions added while searching
Performance improvement all over the app
Google play reported ANR fixed
Few minor crashes are fixed
Delete option added for backup files
Exercise and Quiz added for grammar section
Background features like floating icon, word of day, scanning, auto backup should work perfectly now
A persistent notification on the notification bar if any background feature is enabled
A new word database added
Live Wallpaper bugs are fixed
Different type of suggestions added while searching
Performance improvement all over the app
Google play reported ANR fixed
Few minor crashes are fixed
Delete option added for backup files
Exercise and Quiz added for grammar section
Background features like floating icon, word of day, scanning, auto backup should work perfectly now
A persistent notification on the notification bar if any background feature is enabled
A new word database added
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