关于Swans Moonly Night
时尚的APP - 出色的手机个性化,酷炫的娱乐
The application Swans Moonly Night is a simple and beautiful solution. Do not miss the opportunity to download and install Swans Moonly Night, individually select the personalized screen design of your device. Swans Moonly Night - great entertainment - choosing your favorite image among many options.
Swans Moonly Night - simple and beautiful app personolization your device. The application Swans Moonly Night has a number of advantages - full compatibility with 99% of Android-devices, does not need to be connected to the Internet, it is economical to use the battery of the device, it has a very convenient and understandable system of settings.
Swans Moonly Night - Personalization and Entertainment. Introducing a pleasant and harmonious animated app Swans Moonly Night harmonious with quality graphics and animation. Augmented free version. The application Swans Moonly Night is not only the ability to set beautiful and stylish APP Personalization. on the screen, but also the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest applications of our team. The application contains the announcement of the best APP in the relevant topics from the developer.
Application menu settings can be caused by double-tapping the screen glass. Disabling call option settings by double-tapping in the basic settings.
Tap the center of the screen - Connect the audio unit tunes the respective topic. The sound module can also be disabled.
Application Swans Moonly Night have the ability to connect animated objects. The user chooses the number of elements on the desktop.
The application Swans Moonly Night has the ability to connect - disable the interactive effect of water droplets on the glass. Realistic drops of dew on the screen are scattered over the surface of the glass. Interactive finger tap causes a change in direction.
Application Swans Moonly Night supports all major manufacturers of well-known models of tablets and phones. Keep an eye for the release of new updated versions for the application.
Your feedback on our development is very important for improving the quality of new applications.
When the application is finished loading, you can view it in the preview window.