关于Sword Ultra MOD Pack for MCPE
In this Sword Ultra MOD Pack for MCPE you can find more than 100 types of Swords, here are some of them:
-Dual Wielding
-Weapons Case Loot Mod
-More Weapons Addon
-Better Swords Mod
-Advanced Swords Mod
-More Swords PE Mod
-Paradiscal’s Legendary Swords Pack
-Ultimate Sword Addon
-Elemental Swords Mod
-And More Swords
Something about Swords Mod that you will find inside the app!
-More Swords PE Mod
The More Swords PE Mod adds 9 swords to the game. Each new weapon has a unique power. For example, the Dawn Star, will set the enemy on fire and the Vampiric Blade will drain the enemy of its blood and regenerate some of your health. The powers of each weapon is nicely balanced and it’s definitely a nice addition to the game.
-Elemental Swords Mod
The Elemental Swords Mod adds 9 new swords. Each sword got a unique power related to its element. One sword can cause a a tornado which will make anyone in the close proximity to be thrown up into the sky and then die. Another sword can launch mobs up into the sky like a rockets. There are a wide range of different swords and the best way to experience them is to download the mod and see for yourself.
-Paradiscal’s Legendary Swords Pack
This is a texture pack which includes 8 different textures which you can use to replace the textures for the diamond sword. The diamond sword is the most powerful sword in-game and it makes perfect sense to make it look more epic than what it currently looks like. It’s only the textures which are changed.
-We make regular updates!
-Also you can find more Map, Addon, Skin and Mod on our developer page!
Please Note: You also have BlockLauncher for install mod and skin for minecraft Pe
DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft Pocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.