关于Tales of the Texas Rangers OTR
游骑兵由斯蒂芬奥斯汀于 1823 年组织,以保护殖民者。
From July 8, 1950 until September 14, 1952, Tales of the Texas Rangers was a western radio drama . The show was modeled after the very successful Dragnet program of the time. Although setup as a western, the show was actually a police drama which used sophisticated scientific techniques to track down and apprehend the guilty party. Also, instead of setting the time frame in the 1800’s that was common for westerns at the time, the show dealt with modern crimes which occurred in Texas between 1928 to 1948.
The series was produced and directed by Stacy Keach Sr. He hired real life Texas Ranger Captain Manuel “Lone Wolf” Gonzaullas as the show’s advisor. Gonzaullas was able to provide realism and accuracy to the stories.
Ninety-five episodes and one audition episode were created for the radio series. The audition episode starred Frank Martin, but the run featured the very popular actor Joel McCrea as Texas Ranger Jace Pearson. Each show followed the same format – an announcer would describe the situation. When the problem was discovered, the Texas Rangers were called in and Jace Pearson was assigned. He would take over the story until its resolution, when the announcer would give the disposition of the case, following close to the Dragnet formula.