关于Taxi Nova Scotia
Finding a taxi in Nova Scotia is now easier: in a few seconds, find a nearby company, call it and add it to your favorites list. Estimate the cost of your trip. Contribute to the list of taxi companies by adding it, if not already in the list. You can, moreover, evaluate a taxi company and post a review which will be visible by everyone.
Key features :
- Available in English and French
- Add a company to your favorites’ list for quicker access
- Estimate the cost of your trip *
Please note: An internet connection is required to use the application (3G or Wi-fi).
Taxi Nova Scotia is available in the following cities:
Glace Bay
New Glasgow
New Waterford
… and more! Please see the complete list of cities in the application.
If your favorite company is not listed, you can use the form in the application to let us know.
* The estimated price feature is not a guarantee of the actual price and may vary depending on weather, traffic and other conditions beyond our control.