关于Team Associated RC Wallpaper
Show off your Team Associated vehicle on your Android device!
Team Associated off-road buggies like the RC8 and RC10B6 series.
Team Associated off-road trucks like the SC8 series, SC10 series RC10T series.
Team Associated on-road cars like the TC7 series, RC12R6, and RC10F6.
Team Associated logos, including Factory Team, Reedy, and XP Digital.
Hot racing action!
All wallpapers are included in-app. Easy to use -- just select, save to gallery, set as wallpaper. For more instructions on how to install as wallpaper for your device, tap on "How to Install" at the bottom of the Home screen.
(You have about 15 minutes from the time of download before your refund period expires. If you decide this app is not for you and want a refund, please read the instructions at http://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/topic.py?hl=en&topic=2450225&parent=1100168&ctx=topic )
RC10B6.1DL Team Kit
RC10B74 Team Kit
Reflex DB10 Paddle Tires
NanoSport RTR
CR12 Tioga, front
CR12 Tioga, rear
CR12 Toyota, blue
CR12 Toyota, gray
Enduro Builder's Kit
Enduro Sendero
Enduro Trailwalker
SC28 FOX, orange
29-Time AE IFMAR wins logo
Team Associated logo
Area 51 logo
Champions by Design logo
Factory Team logo
Reedy Power logo
#WeAreAE logo
#WeAreAE, dark logo
XP logo