Members can get the care they need within minutes in just a few steps:
1. Provide medical history Health information is provided during account setup, which is reviewed by the dentist prior to a consult.
2. Request a consult The member can connect with the first available dentist or schedule an appointment for a convenient time.
3. Talk with the dentist Within minutes, a dentist will call back, listen, diagnose the issue and prescribe medication, if medically necessary. Teladentistry.com guarantees a call back from a dentist within three hours.
4. Pick up the prescription The prescription is sent electronically to a local pharmacy selected by the member. If no pharmacy is available then we can ship the medications directly to you within the USA.
5. Reconcile the account Health records are updated, payments are processed, if required, and the member can send consult results to his/her primary care dentist.