Give us your feedback to make P66 Wood River Refinery better. By answering these quick eleven (11) multiple choice questions you can help us improve the site for everyone. You are a skilled tradesman so we need your feedback. We also have an area where you can give specific feedback for anything you feel needs to be improved. Please let us know any items that should be improved with safety, or quality as well if you have time. Feel free to use this app to tell everyone specifically the biggest barriers you have to getting your job done. If one day goes good please use the app to give feedback that things went well, but we mostly are looking for feedback in how things went wrong. GRP has teamed with P66 management to create this app to give you a quick and safe place to communicate issues. We know you know how to make it better. Please take the time to give us data so we can respond and make it better for everyone! Thanks!!!