关于Telugu Rasi Phalalu 2019
泰卢固语Rasi Phalalu 2019,Panchangam,每日历,每月日历应用程序
Telugu Astrology app brings you Telugu Daily Horoscope, daily Rasi Phalalu Forecast or predictions, monthly calendars with panchangam in Telugu language. This app shows Telugu Calendar daily and monthly. Telugu Astrology app can be used by Telugu people across the world as a daily reference. This app helps in determining good times, bad times, good days, etc. This application is a great tool and must to use app for productivity of your day with different types of information and tools.
This Application has the following information:
1. Telugu Daily Rasi phalalu and Calendar
2. Festivals, observations, celebrations during a month
3. Telugu Panchangam (Thidi,Vara, Nakshathra, Yoga, Karana)
4. Masam, Paksham, Sunrise, Sunset, Moon rise, Moon set, Sun sign and Moon sign.
5. Muhurth for good works(Business, Marriage, Property, Housing, Travel, New Purchase )
6. Good Time (Amrita kalam, Abhijit Muhurtham, Anandadi Yoga), Bad Time (Rahu kalam, Yamagandam, Varjyam, Gulika, Dur Muhuratam)