关于Test Grammar N3 Japanese
Japanese learning software on Android - Learning Japanese online - Japanese N3 – Learning Japanese Grammar N3 – Testing and checking Japanese N3 exams - JLPT N3 - nihongo n3
- Learning Japanese grammar N3 offline
- Containing Japanese N3 grammar exam functions
- View the results, the correct answers, and explanations of the correct answers
- Containing grading, ranking, sharing functions
- Exams on single grammar exercises and grammar used in sentences according to international standards
- Examples of using different types of grammar
- Combining multiple types of grammar together in one sentence examples
- Lesson Plans equivalent to the curriculum of “Minano Nihongo”
- Free rich databases
- Multiple language support
- Complete capacity to study and practice Japanese exams online and offline.
- Links to various applications to learn vocabulary, kanji, grammar, listening, reading and doing comprehension exercises
- Learning Japanese N5, N4, N3, N2, and N1.
Category: thanhlong90.it.japanesen3, thanhlong90en, thanhlong90tn, thanhlongn3
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