关于Text To Emoji Converter - Soci
🔸Text To Emoji Text :- Text to emoji text is best option to convert any text into emoji text (check screenshots)
🔹Text Repeater :- Text repeater is feature in which you can repeat any text hundreds/thousands of times. Can be used to irritate your friends.
🔸Direct Message :- This is best and advance feature of this app, by using this feature you can easily send whatsapp message without saving number in your contacts.
🔹Blank Text Message :- Social Media Tools is also giving blank text message feature to send blank messages on whatsapp. As you known Whatsapp does not allow to send blank messages.
🔸Status Saver :- Status saver is most demanded feature of this app, by using this feature you can save all status of Whatsapp (you can save both images as well as videos).
🔸Mirror Text :- Wright your text Social Media Tools is mirror reverse and both the text.
🔸Stylish Text :- To give style to your text simply type your message on first text field. Your text will be converted into different fancy text style.
Icon Credit https://icons8.com