关于The Electronic Configuration
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The electronic structure of an atom describes the arrangement of its electrons around the nucleus. Have you ever realized that electron configurations of elements can also be used to justify the shape and organization of the Modern Periodic Table? Also, can the position of an element in the Periodic table be used to predict its electron configuration?
Here is an app which provides all the necessary information regarding this. Beginning with captivating and self-explanatory visuals depicting the arrangement of electrons within an atom, the app takes you on a delightful ride where you relate the concept of electron configuration to the position of an element in the Periodic table. Deftly presented visuals and lucidly flowing text add to clearer understanding of the concept.
All this is supplemented by a comprehensive package carefully crafted to consolidate your knowledge of the topic. The package contains a range of mentally stimulating learning resources such as quiz, key terms, vivid images, and the links to other websites giving the learner a choice to revert to these as many times as he wants..........
We, at Designmate, have been engaged in bringing science at your doorstep through processes that have revolutionized learning like never before and have made it simple and hassle free for consumption by knowledge seekers.
Keywords: education, eureka.in, science, periodic table, valence, shell, orbit, atomic number.