关于The Greedy Dog - Kids Story
The Greedy Dog
There was a dog that lived in the outskirts of a small village. One day he became very hungry. It was a hot summer afternoon. He was roaming here and there in search of food but he couldn’t find it.
Suddenly he saw a bone lying nearby. He became happy and his mouth got filled with water. He couldn’t resist the temptation.
He hurried to the bone and looked here and there to confirm that no one looked at him. He picked up the bone and went away quietly.
Now he was looking for an isolated place to eat this bone. A narrow bridge over a small lake happened in his way. He began to cross it.
while crossing the bridge he suddenly saw his own reflection in the water. That foolish dog thought that it was other dog that had got a bone in the mouth.
He became greedy. Now he got ready to do anything to get the bone of the other dog. He thought to have a fight with the second dog and to win his bone.
When he opened his mouth to challenge the second dog his bone fell down in the lake and drowned. He tried hard to fetch the bone again but in vain.
Because the foolish dog became greedy and wanted to get the other dogs bone, he lost his own bone. The moral of the story is one should be satisfied with what he has and should not be greedy otherwise he loses whatever he has.