关于The Rich Muslim
This book is in a form of a note or journal that you put together to inspire and motivate yourself in order to become better each day, concentrating on one inspirational topic a day.
The book will show you the common attributes and state of mind you will find among progressive Muslims. It is my hope that by reading this book everyday you will cultivate these attributes and imbibe in yourself this state of mind.
You will find in it series of questions that will inspire you to formulate answers that are relevant to you and your situation.
Also you will find at the end of each daily read, a short prayer-like call to action motivational words to get you through the day.
The aim of each topic for each day is to help you take steps towards achieving that successful Muslim state of mind.
It is recommended that you read one topic a day. The book contains 15 topics altogether. One dosage a day is prescribed and then you can start all over again and again.
This is neither a religious book nor is it a book on Islamic jurisprudence or ethics. It is a light-reading book of collection of pieces of advice that I - as a Muslim - will give to my fellow Muslim and even non-Muslim in need of guidance as a real life solution to a real life problem.
However it draws wisdom from the Quran to buttress the pieces of advice, which are in a form of motivational and inspirational words.
It is my hope that it shall help as many of us as possible.
Yusuf Hassan
Founder @Tutlub