-Added health regeneration
-Added bloodloss indicator
-Added Quick Play button
-Added survivor counter for Traitors and Spectators
-Better spectator mode
-General polishing
-Better Graphics
如果您因设备不兼容或软件漏洞而在使用 The Tabung 的最新版本时遇到问题,在应用开发者修复问题之前,下载旧版本可能是一个实用的解决方案。APKPure 提供与各种设备和 Android 系统兼容的 The Tabung 所有旧版本。下载 The Tabung 的旧版本以用于 Android。APKPure 的所有下载均无病毒,并提供快速、安全的方式获取您所需的应用程序版本历史记录。
-Added health regeneration
-Added bloodloss indicator
-Added Quick Play button
-Added survivor counter for Traitors and Spectators
-Better spectator mode
-General polishing
-Better Graphics
-Added health regeneration
-Added bloodloss indicator
-Added Quick Play button
-Added survivor counter for Traitors and Spectators
-Better spectator mode
-General polishing
-Better Graphics
-Added health regeneration
-Added bloodloss indicator
-Added Quick Play button
-Added survivor counter for Traitors and Spectators
-Better spectator mode
-General polishing
-Better Graphics
-Better Voice Chat
The noise level now reacts on how loud you speak into the Mic when using Voice Chat.
-New Task
Find fuel to get the Generator running before you can start it.
-More Replayability
now all item spawns, electricity boxes and more are fully randomized for even more fun when playing.
-More Players
Servers have been upgraded and can hold much more Players now.
For 10 Tokens you can host an event in Tabung now with up to 64 Players.
-Better Voice Chat
The noise level now reacts on how loud you speak into the Mic when using Voice Chat.
-New Task
Find fuel to get the Generator running before you can start it.
-More Replayability
now all item spawns, electricity boxes and more are fully randomized for even more fun when playing.
-More Players
Servers have been upgraded and can hold much more Players now.
For 10 Tokens you can host an event in Tabung now with up to 64 Players.
-Added a new monster (The Observer)
-Added Screams on damage
-Improved Tabungs AI
-Guns now attract Tabung
-Tabung may now be outrun
-Improved animations for Tabung
-Added hunter's key
-Added stamina bar
-Added new hats
-Improved menu
-Improved sound design
-Singleplayer games may no longer be joined
-Other small additions
-Fixed bugs
-Patched Observer and Tabungs AI
-New main menu character animation
-Added a new monster (The Observer)
-Improved Tabungs AI
-Guns now attract Tabung
-Tabung may now be outrun
-Improved animations for Tabung
-Added hunter's key
-Added stamina bar
-Added new hats
-Improved menu
-Improved sound design
-Singleplayer games may no longer be joined
-Other small additions
-Fixed bugs
-Patched Observer and Tabungs AI
-New main menu character animation
-Added a new monster (The Observer)
-Improved Tabungs AI
-Guns now attract Tabung
-Tabung may now be outrun
-Improved animations for Tabung
-Added hunter's key
-Added stamina bar
-Added new hats
-Improved menu
-Improved sound design
-Singleplayer games may no longer be joined
-Other small additions
-Fixed bugs
-Traitors will now spawn with their weapon already in their inventory along with ammo so no traitor can forget their weapon on the floor
-Traitors will now only be picked if there are 3 people on the server
-Added new objective messages for power switches
-Added traitor objective message
-Map will now highlight power switch locations
-Added "More" tab in the menu
-Names for all items are shown above Hotbar now
-Added singleplayer (up to 4 people can spectate a singleplayer run)
and more
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