关于Theology of culture by Paul Tillich
Theology of Culture draws together fifteen of Dr. Tillich's finest essays
In order to rejuvenate Christian theology after the First World War, Paul Tillich, Karl Barth, Rudolf Bultmann and others insisted that theology reclaim as its proper object the reality of God. They sought to overcome the failure of cultural Protestantism and nineteenth-century liberal theologians to clarify the relation of Christian faith to cultural and social values. Among his contemporaries, Tillich conceived of the theological task in a distinctive way. The object of theological reflection is the depth, import or substance of human cultural activities. A theology of culture is thereby distinct from, if still related to, forms of theology in which the object of reflection is the God of the Bible within the faith of the church formulated in dogmas. This chapter explores Tillich's theology of culture mindful of the enduring task of Christian theology and his conception of religion and human spirit.
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