关于Third Year: BDS Express
Third Year App For BDS Students By MedicoApps contains all 3rd Year Subjects
Have You ever checked the Stats??
There are About 300+ Dental Colleges College and each has about an average of 50-100 Students. This means that Almost 30,000 Dental Graduates will pass out every year.
So Finally you are into Third Year of BDS.
And Finally You can No Longer IGNORE PG Preparation.
First Year was busy and Second year went so so damn fast.
And finally you ll be stepping in clinical postings & will be handling patients. It’s a kind of mix feeling like proud along with bit of anxiety.
But when you start doing patient you ll realize that you actually need to have firm foundational knowledge of procedure & patient management and along with clinics you need to read theory as well.
Look in this year You have 3 major subject – Oral Pathology, General medicine & General Surgery.
Apart from this final year subject will also get started from 3rd year itself and 1 lecture/week is generally assigned to every final year subject.
This Year is the Year of Action
This Year is the Year where you can take a real Lead in preparation.
While there is a lot more time but most of the time is wasted in trying to create a study plan.
I remembered very little of First Year Subjects and Second Year Subjects – Really dont know what to say.
And then there is a pressure to Study other final year subjects
Are you feeling the same ??
Essentially this struggle To decide should we focus on 3rd Year Subjects or Final Year Subjects.
Essentially the struggle to know what you should remember and what you can afford to ignore.
Essentially to struggle to balance between Standard Text Books and the temptation to go for review books.
Most of you will keep struggling
but will never do anything about it.
Can Some resource be there which gets automatically update every year so that you do not have to refer any other place as you know that every years trends as new questions will be captured by this resource.
And Importantly can there be something which can help you steer easily towards your preparation even if you invest some 15-30 Minutes daily
Introducing to You
BDS Express 3rd year App
This App is specifically crafted keeping in mind students studying in their 3rd year BDS for internal exams and concept building
Let me take you through this app features one by one so that you can really understand how this app will help you.
Subject Wise – Unit Wise
High Yield Topic
This App has a Strong Question bank based on Authentic Exam questions.
These questions are arranged in Subjectwise and Chapterwise manner.
Each questions has been supplemented with explanations and additional important facts.
You understand the importance of starting EARLY.
You understand the importance of FOCUSED Preparation.
And Today you have an Access to Resource that can help you achieve both.
Dont Miss this Chance…..Guess why ?
Because if any student have this then he will not waste his time guessing what to study , how to study.
This app will already guide him on what to study and how to study.
And if spares just 1-2 Hrs daily , he will get insanely ahead of the competition.
The Price of the App is
Only 4999/-
For Lifetime Access.
This means that You just pay once and can keep using this app for the next years.
This means Less than 1000 /- Per Year for 3 Subject or About 300/- Per subject.
Even If you Buy a Book or question bank , it will cost you more.
How to Buy this App
Step 1- Click on the Buy Now Button [See below]
Step 2- Fill In Your Name / Email ID / Phone Number / Address
Step 3- Pay Using Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Baking / UPI
Step 4- Forward the Payment Reciept to [email protected]
It usually takes about 12-24 Hrs for me to send you the Activation Codes for this App.
I know What is the most important question in your mind at this Point.
Will this App really Help me ??
To Know More