关于Tilt Sensor
- Measure the tilt angle and plot on the display in real time.
- When the measurement starts, the tilt angle is recorded as the initial angle. If the tilt angle to the initial angle exceeds the limit, it will notify by sound, vibration, SMS or phone. It is not necessary to make the phone vertical.
- The limit can be changed.
- The delay time to start measurement can be changed.
- The app is keeping display on, dimming display or running in the background during the measurement.
- The measured data can be exported as CSV file.
- The app allows remote controll(Start, Stop, Status Check) by SMS. This function can be enabled/disabled.
- This app uses the Apache 2.0 license library - AChartEngine.
- You can purchase the item to hide the advertisement.
- Bug fix.
- Add a confirmation when closing the app.
- lightweight the app.