App for practical and effective use of Pomodoro technology
Hi! 🖐
Are you interested in how to rebuff useless pastime🤤 and not to "burn out" at work🤯?
The answer is you need to be able to properly manage your time, or as they say "time management" ⏲️.
One of the main techniques of time management is the Pomodoro™ 🍅 technique. Using this technique, you increase your productivity📈 by doing more in less time and stay energetic⚡🕺.
Practical and effective use of the Pomodoro™ technique is provided by the Timerise 📱 application, in which, apart from the timer, there are and are supplemented methods for productive 💪 and comfortable work that allows you to achieve or even surpass the desired result. 👍
Our advantages:
▪️ Possibility to enable the time counting sound ⏰
▪️ The ability to keep the screen on when the timer starts ☀️
▪️ Support for Tablet PCs 💻
▪️ Daily background change 🌄
▪️ Daily motivating text change 📜
▪️ Select the signal. 📯
▪️ Ability to set a goal and display it in statistics 💯
▪️ The ability to automatically alternate timer modes 🤖
▪️ Demonstration of the average working time of each day of the week 📊
Note: The application asks for permission to "Device ID and call data" because now I'm working on ensuring that the timer before the signal is checked whether the user is talking on the phone so as not to start ringing directly into his ear. But because of the early update, this feature was not included, since it has not yet been fully tested.
Pomodoro™ is a registered trademark of Francesco Cirillo. This application is not affiliated with Francesco Cirillo.
2. Signal has become increasing 🎶
3. Ability to set the time to set the night background 🌃
4. Timerise will not start ringing during a call. 🔕
5. Timerise will stop the sound of time count during a call. 🔇
6. Ability to disable the demonstration of the countdown in the notification drawer 💬
7. Ability to change application language 🌐
and other cool changes.
❗️ For features 4 and 5, permission is requested for "Device ID and call data"