- This application requires a Cmore user account and Cmore account registration is currently closed to the general public
- The Cmore Sync Adapter app is required to run this application. It can also be downloaded form the play store.
The TrackMe app is used to report the device’s location to Cmore. It consists of a configuration utility called Track and a widget called TrackMe.
Once installed, the user needs to add the widget to the device’s home screen.
The TrackMe app will store all recorded positions in a local database on the device if it is unable to communicate with the Cmore server. All positions will automatically be uploaded to Cmore once an Internet connection is established.
The user can also limit the number of connections Trackme tries to make with the Cmore server by enabling the “Only upload every 30s” option. This will cause TrackMe to store positions locally on the device and only try to upload them to Cmore every 30s. This feature can save battery power for high resolution tracking that does not need to be real-time.
The Cmore team recommends using GPS only as the Location Provider. The network provider does work, but is very inaccurate (based on approximate distances from cell towers and WiFi hot-spots) and will provide a false sense of where a user is exactly.