科学能再次证明信仰吗?使用Trinity app和MUSE(2016)头带做到这一点。
Scientific tests in the 1990s showed deep sleep measurements (through several methods and devices) in people who were anything but asleep. The cases involved visionaries (visions of Jesus, Mother Mary, and Satan) and people receiving the Holy Eucharist. The scientists involved were mostly non-believers until they saw the results and experienced supernatural effects themselves. This project specifically studied EEG measurements. We attempt to provide the same measurement capabilities with modern technology (smartphones and a $200 EEG headband.) The project also provides a relatively simple method (through the graphing of EEG brainwaves and their Fourier Transforms) that does not require an EEG technician and neurologist to interpret the results. For instructions on usage (and an example) please see the web site at: http://historysoft.com/trinity.html