Fast, Easy & Secure
Full transaction log and approval history
Robust transaction search capabilities
Required fields are clearly indicated
Single screen data entry for customer details
Concise validation and error messages
High quality user interface with large fonts and professional graphics
Robust transaction search capabilities
Twigpay uses industry standard SSL security to communicate with your credit card processor over the wireless network (WiFi, 3G, EDGE). Credit card information is NEVER stored on the device.
Get Paid on the Spot
Process any major credit card.
No need to purchase additional equipment.
Get authorization in seconds - no need to write down payment information or call into your back office.
E-mail electronic receipts directly from your phone.
Access our Online Merchant Center 24/7/365 to view all your transactions and manage other Twigpay users.
Add as many employees as you need to a single Twigpay account by simply providing them a user ID and supported device.
Just key in card information directly into your phone or swipe cards with an optional card reader. (Coming May 31st)
Credit card information is not stored in your phone - it's like using a credit card terminal.
The app starts in Test Mode, so you can click around without needing an AcctID or Merchant Pin.
To test a Credit Card Sale, use:
Sale Amount: Any
Name: Any
Card: 5454545454545454
MM/YY: 12/15
CVC: 111
To Test a Check Sale:
Sale Amount: Any
Account Name: Any
Account Number: 999999999
Routing Number: 999999999
Account Type: Any
If you need to test the functionality with a test Account ID, please go to settings and set:
AcctID: PY7L4
Merchant PIN: 123456