This programme is not about being perfect, it is all about building the best version of your current body with an exercise and movement programming that not only enhance what you already have but make you strong physically and mentally.
I would love to instill the foundational premises of this programme from the beginning. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Your body is the temple of God and together we will learn how to respect and love and accept your temple. For some of you it is probably very difficult to look at yourself and love what you see, but that thought stops today, it stops with me and you.
I know living a certain way for many years can be comforting. However, if this way of living is not making you happy then it can bring you discomfort in many aspects of your life.
This programme is going to teach you how to become self-confident in your own body, how to move your body regardless of your shape or size. We going to focus on the lower part of the body getting it toned and sculp and Summer ready.