关于UCI BlacklegCM
UCI BlacklegCM helps you make decisions for the management of blackleg upper canopy infections (UCI) in canola crops in Australia. UCI BlacklegCM can be tuned to account for some of the major factors that relate to risk of yield loss due to blackleg UCI in your paddocks. It allows you to compare the likely profitability of different disease management strategies.
UCI BlacklegCM takes account of costs, yield benefits, grain price, state, nearest rainfall information, crop circumstance, crop conditions, fungicide strategies, and other diseases to give you the best case, worst case and most likely estimates of financial return.
Current research is identifying which varieties are resistant to blackleg UCI. Currently the app does not include genetic resistance information but will be included in UCI BlacklegCM when it becomes available.
UCI BlacklegCM does not account for all factors that can affect blackleg UCI , so information provided by this tool should not be considered to be tailored to the circumstances of any individual farm.