关于UFO Sightings - PRO
Our goal is to be the inquisitive minds' refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, "Are we alone in the universe?" The answer very simply, is NO.
-- UFO --
An unidentified flying object (UFO) is any aerial phenomenon that cannot immediately be identified. Most UFOs are identified on investigation as conventional objects or phenomena. The term is widely used for claimed observations of extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Get informed for all UFO, alien, paranormal activities, sightings around the planet with videos, news and articles links gathered from various UFO related websites and YouTube channels!
UFO Sightings, Ufo Videos, Ufo News, Ufo Documentary, Ancient Aliens, Ancient Aliens Videos, Unidentified, Crop Circles, UFO Stories, UFO Retention, UFO Abduction, Science and technology
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