关于Understanding Cat Language
Cat talk and non-verbal messages are sometimes puzzling. Cats have been regarded for centuries as mysterious, solitary, unpredictable creatures perhaps because humans have difficulty understanding what they're saying. While people rely primarily on speech to communicate, cats predominately communicate in a silent language. Cats speak by using complex combinations of body language, vocalization, and scent cues. Learn how to recognize cat language basics, and figure out the most common combinations, to understand what your cat is saying to you and to the other pets in your family.
Every "crazy cat lady" out there will tell you that cats are great conversationalists. And it's completely true: cats have a lot to tell you.
Fortunately, understanding how to communicate with your cat is as easy as learning to read cat body language and translate those adorable meows to words.
If you’re a bit rusty when it comes to feline communication, this article will help you finally understand what your kitty is trying to tell you
With practice and our application, you will soon be an expert at cat language, to the extent that you may even be able to answer back!