关于Unit Converter
Note : You can now get this unit converter along with several other useful utility tools such as scientific calculator, calendar, ruler, flashlight, stopwatch, timer, and many more, all in one place with our new app, Mobile Utilities :
Unit Converter is a powerful, accurate, highly featured unit conversion application that is extremely user-friendly and easy to use. It's biggest advantage over other unit conversion applications on the market lies in it's user-friendly and intuitive design - get all your unit conversions on just one page! Just select your desired category, select the input unit, and enter the input value. All possible conversions will be dynamically shown on the same screen in a clean and organized manner.
* Currently there are 18 different categories with units required in education, engineering and everyday life. Categories include
-Digital Data Storage
-Data Transfer
-Fuel Consumption
*No unnecessary effort or navigation required on the part of the user.
*Dynamic, fast, efficient and consumes negligible system resources
Buy the pro version here:
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- Design improvements