关于Universal Quiz
Universal Quiz 2019 is a free to use educational app for all ages. It has huge database of multiple choice questions. We have provided categories of all the professions and their subjects.
You are finding a perfect quiz for your next exam or interview preparation?
No matter if you are a Doctor, Engineer programmer or professional in other fields.
Our team has huge database of all the subjects. Every time you play quiz, you will be provided with fresh questions.
Note: Quiz questions are updated weekly.
How to Play:-
-->Open Universal Quiz 2019 and tap on Start.
--> Select your Category.
--> Select your sub category.
--> Select level.
--> Select best choice from four options.
--> See result and review questions after finishing the quiz.
▪️ Clean and easy UI fir users.
▪️ Categories and sub-categories to select.
▪️` Huge data covering all the subjects.
▪️ Review answers. Users can review answers after playing quiz.
▪️ PDF Report. Users can export result as PDF.
▪️ Show off . Share your results on social media.