关于Free Proxy Vpn
Trending Free Introduce Vpn proxy Server Application which is Free Vpn Proxy for android to unblock all the websites and apps which is Bane in your country. Free proxy Vpn is an android free application only for the android users. Free proxy vpn gives you freedom of internet using. You can open any block website and app with Free proxy vpn. Free proxy vpn did not have any speed limit. Means you can enjoy your favorite websites with no speed limit only using Free proxy vpn android application.
Vpn proxy is free and without any limit. You can change your location using Vpn proxy android application. It just like bypass your government security and limitation and change your server to any other country this feature is free in Vpn Proxy Free android application.
* Fast - Connect successfully just on one click using Free Vpn proxy.
* Easy – free proxy vpn does not require Username ,Password or Login or signup. Just install this free Vpn app and enjoy your favorites blocked websites and social media unblocked and easy to use with no speed limit.
* Stable – Once you connect with Vpn proxy. Hot spot shield will active and this shield will deactivate on your desire.
* Bypass the firewalls of government network, schools and even on Work place only using Vpn proxy server and Android App.
* Unblock sites with free proxy server.
* Enjoy private browsing with free vpn servers. Free proxy vpn contain about 22 countries servers by which you can easily by pass your local server and change your server location.
* Works with WiFi, LTE, 3G, and all mobile data carriers.
* Encrypts data using Open VPN protocols (UDP / TCP).
* Many servers from many countries from http://www.vpngate.net/
* Add Bookmarks to save your favorites Countries.
*****Key Features*****
► Unblocked Websites and Apps
You can unblock any apps or websites using Free Proxy VPN with full speed. Bypass government restrictions to access social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Snapchat, etc, or any blocked websites from anywhere.
► Privacy Protection and Change Location
Using Free Proxy VPN, your IP and location will be changed and your activities can not be tracked on the Internet. Free Proxy vpn provides ultimate services and privacy guard also provides better than web proxy servers.
► Fastest Speed
Free Proxy Vpn is the best Vpn with the fastest speed! On one click you can change your location and bypass the internet. As a result, your connection will be much faster than any other VPN or proxy providers.
► WiFi Hotspot Shield
Public Wi-Fi hotspots are best places for hackers to hack the public systems and if they want to hack or stole your personal information then you can easily be there victims.
Free proxy vpn proxy uses advanced VPN technologies to secure your network traffic, enabling you to connect to a website via HTTPS, providing a secured shield to your WiFi hotspot to secure your personal data.