关于Unofficial Guide People Ragdol
A simple guide on how to do basic things in People Playground.
A simple guide on how to do basic things in People Playground.
This guide will cover basic mechanics that are not explained in these blocks, or are not inherently obvious. If there are any inaccuracies/mistakes in this guide, please comment and I will correct them.
To make a ragdoll hold a weapon, such as a gun or knife, spawn one in and freeze the game by pressing spacebar, or whatever you have bound to pausing. Then, drag the weapon near the ragdoll’s hand like so:
With the weapon still selected (green outline), hover your mouse over one of the ragdoll’s hands and press F, or whatever you have bound to activation.
You may now unpause time. If the weapon is too heavy, or is interacting badly with the ragdoll, you may right click on it and disable collision or remove weight.
Without the use of mods, the ragdoll can not shoot other ragdolls on its own. You have to manually activate the weapon. To make the ragdoll drop the weapon, activate the hand holding the weapon. Alternatively, you can just kill the ragdoll.