关于Upadesa Rathinamaalai (Ta)
Upadesa Rathinamaalai(TA)
Manavala Mamunigal, the one with unswerving devotion to the feet of his master Thiruvaimozhippillai (who intern is comparable to the celestial in his expression of disinclination towards all things material), learnt under the tutelage of his illustrious preceptor, the special meanings of Thiruvaimozhi and of the other Divya Prabandhams, along with the Rahasya Granthas.
Out of his abounding generosity, he wrote this grantham “Upadesa Rathinamaalai” or “Jewel-studded Garland of Instructions” to inform his successors about:
(i) The Glory of Azhwars and Purvacharyas belonging to Sath Sampradhayam tradition;
(ii) The Greatness of the Thiruvaimozhi Divya Prabandham and its commentaries,
(iii) The Eedu Commentary Kalakshepa tradition,
(iv) The glory of Srivachana Bhushana divya sastram,
(v) Instructions to Srivaishnavas on how to conduct themselves as worthy seekers of salvation and finally
(vi) The revelation of Charamopayam.