关于US Fleet Tracking Mobile
US Fleet Tracking® changed GPS tracking with its live tracking software and continues to lead the technology. This app connects you to your US Fleet Tracking account where you will see the live location of your vehicles and assets – as it’s happening, not minutes later.
Increase accountability with your fleet of vehicles and manage your mobile workforce better. Quickly see vehicle location along with who’s driving, who’s idling and who’s stopped. Connect with a simple tap of a button.
See other factors that may impact your fleet such as our live traffic overlay that gives you the traffic conditions for the specific location of your vehicles.
Your fleet and mobile workforce are moving now. Gain situational awareness with US Fleet Tracking, today.
*US Fleet Tracking account and hardware required to use this application. No contract devices with service starting at $1 a day for truly LIVE GPS tracking. Call 405-726-9900 or [email protected].
US Fleet Tracking is a GPS tracking manufacturer providing Internet-based access to LIVE vehicle tracking and asset management. Knowing where your vehicles and assets are at all times gives you the power to make time and money-saving decisions with a quick glance.
With global reach and headquartered in Oklahoma City, US Fleet Tracking leads the LIVE asset and vehicle tracking industry, providing sub-ten-second tracking service. US Fleet Tracking has the widest coverage area with the highest reliability of any GPS tracking product on the market. Whether you’re in the United States, Canada, Europe or the Middle East, Australia, South America or Africa, US Fleet Tracking covers you. In addition to its experience tracking personal and commercial vehicles, the company provides tracking to numerous large-scale public events including every Super Bowl since 2007, the 2010 Pro Bowl, the 2011 NHL All Star Game, 2010 Winter Olympics, 2012 Summer Olympics and the 2012 Republican National Convention.