关于Velomingo Velocity Film, serie
Velomingo 的 Velocity 音乐视频编辑器
With Velomingo Velocity , you don’t need to create the whole edit from scratch. You only need to select the movies you like out of hundreds of velocity templates and add the media and music. The rest is done by Velomingo and you have a cool velocity edit! Share the edit on your social media and make your followers wonder how you got those editing skills.
Velomingo got you covered.
Velomingo Velocity app is not designed to stream movies or download content. The app only uses The Movie Database API for information, but is not endorsed or certified by The Movie Database.
TMDB API Terms of Service: https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api/terms-of-use. These services are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0
Velomingo Velocity TV app does not show movies directly or allow movie download. Our app follows the "fair use" guidelines of US law, if you believe there is a direct copyright or trademark violation that does not meet the "fair use" guidelines, please contact us directly.