关于VIP Manager
Tired of being woken up in the middle of the night by unimportant calls or worried about missing an important call when you're busy? Use VIP Manager to selectively allow calls through. You can set Quiet (Do Not Disturb) Times during which the phone will not ring when a call comes in, except for people designated as VIPs.
Please note that this is still in beta so if you find any issues or have any feature requests, please post them in the appropriate section of the developer's Google+ community (https://plus.google.com/communities/112205731179046769193/stream/0c311974-029b-4769-bf1e-c570e5e9dcca).
* Fix crash in landscape mode
Version 0.8.5:
* Movie mode (try opening the menu and starting a quiet time)
* Bug fixes
* You can now open VIP Manager from a contact's badge/view
If you find any issues, please email me or leave a message in the Google+ community.