关于VITEEE exam Preparation
Download this app for Engineering Exam preparation like VITEEE, IIT, JEE Main, JEE Advanced, BITSAT, KCET, MHTCET, UPSEE, WB JEE, Orissa JEE, IPUCET, BCECE, AP PGECET, TS PGECET, KEAM, Karnataka PGCET, TNEA, APIIT NAT etc for admission in different engineering courses like Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information technology etc.
his app have the question of physics, chemistry, and math from ncert books, past papers, IIT JEE Question Bank and model questions Suggested by the experts teaching in different engineering Coaching centers.
You may use this app both offline or Online and exam set in this app is similar to VITEEE exam pattern. If you have any suggestion you can directly send us mail through this app.
All The best :)
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VITEEE exam Preparation 2.0
VITEEE exam Preparation 1.0
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