VoCount - common words counter
5.0 and up
Android OS
关于VoCount - common words counter
在精读或泛读之前计算最常用的单词 - 任何语言
• The secret of improving our reading comprehension, gaining and building up our vocabularies in any language is to target words which have been repeated several times in a context.
• VoCount is a words counter which has been created exactily for that purpose, you just insert a link of a web page, choose if the language uses spaces between words- if you do spanish reading for example, English, Arabic, German, french, Italien... or doesn't use spaces between words as in Chinese, Korean, Japanese and so on, then choose the word repetition frequency you like to find out, for example, you need to see all the words in a web page which have been repeated more than 3 times.
• Once you done the above, you will:
1- Discover the most common words in any field you read on a web site.
2- Not need to keep navigating between a translator and a web page while reading.
3- Not need to count how many times a word has been repeated to know whither if it worths learning it or not.
4- Be able to do both intensive and extensive reading in less time and effort.
5- Click the word you find to copy it and to navigate to google translate.
6- Target words to study on daily basis
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