关于Voice Screen Lock - Unlock Phone With Voice
Speak something to unlock your phone. Speak voice command to unlock your phone.
Use a new approach to Lock/Unlock your smartphone using your Voice and secure your mobile from others approach.
Unlock with voice, fingerprint or recovery password
Unlock your phone screen with voice. Beautiful and customization Voice lock screen for any android device. Set a voice message and use it to unlock your device.
Voice Lock Screen is built on speech recognition, if speech recognition service is not available on your phone, Voice Lock Screen will guide you & which offers exceptional speech recognition service.
- Enable Voice Lock Screen with a single tap.
- Enhance Security using Home Key options given in setting.
- Different HD Backgrounds are available to change the theme.
- Set your own any type of voice password.
- You can also set numeric password if voice password doesn’t work.
- User Friendly and best Voice Unlocker
- Show date and time on screen.
- Change color of time and date.
- Change font Style to make more attractive your Voice Lock Screen.
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