The VoxCounter app is a voice-activated tally counter. Just say GO, and it counts. Press the RESET button to zero the count. It's really that simple.
The App automatically learns your voice as you speak. It monitors background noises and negates them (although loud or sudden noises may trigger a count). To factory-reset and re-calibrate the voice memory: long-press RESET, wait for the green microphone, and say GO.
Note: The green microphone icon indicates when it is ready. If the microphone is gray, it's not ready. Wait for the green microphone before speaking.
VoxCounter is a great productivity tool for hands-free data acquisition in a lab, parts counting in an assembly operation, workout repetitions, and millions of other tasks at work and around the home. It's free for you to use and enjoy, just let us know how it worked for you. Did you absolutely love it? Or -gasp- not?? Let us know, either way.