关于Wallpaper engine for kpop ASIA
Wallpaper engine
: Home Screen Feeder with Asia kpop (phone's background picture)
** Added 'Multi-Home ' feature which can set miltiple pictures from your Gallery.
** Added 'Related Blog' tab which can get blog's pictures from Tumblr and Twitter
** Added 'Rank' tab which can show popular background pictures and latest background pictures.
** Added 'NOW' tab which can extract background picture from phone.
*** Now, We support Feeder with Daum, if you want to Flickr just visit option page and check disable item.
Just select keyword or Enter TAG keyword, Our service send a picture to your phone which is registered with selected keyword or phone number from Flickr
Internet (Daum, Flickr) have tremendous pictures and they classify their picture with keyword which is called TAG.
You just type TAG keyword which is interested, Our App. check newer picture on Flickr with your TAG anytime.
Finally you will easily got a new picture for your phone Home Screen.