关于Wallpaper Pedant
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The easiest way to set your wallpaper without mangling your image.
Wallpaper Pedant does two simple things:
● It tells you the precise size (in pixels) that your pictures should be so they can be used as wallpaper without stretching or cropping.
● On Android 4, it shows you only those images on your device that are of the correct size, and lets you set one as the wallpaper simply by touching it.
● Your device’s wallpaper size is not necessarily the same as its screen size, or any simple multiple thereof. Wallpaper Pedant determines the correct size for your device by querying the operating system.
● For performance reasons, Wallpaper Pedant displays standard thumbnail images provided by the operating system. These won’t necessarily show the whole picture. The complete image is, however, used when setting the wallpaper.
● ‘Refresh’ calls an Android function that can take a few seconds (and doesn’t notify when it’s finished). Accordingly, you might need to do it more than once.