关于Wasila Kya hai ?
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This book is written by Allama Mufti Faiz Ahmed Owaisi (Rehmatullah Alaih),
readers will find, what is the ‘Waseela’?
What are the dictionary & terminological meanings of ‘Waseela’?
What is the place of waseelah?
What things can be made sources to reach ALLAH’s court?
The reason why good deeds of Satan could not become waseela for saving him?
What is the belief of Ahlus Sunnah about Waseela?
Why is Waseela Needed?
What was the main reason of Aadam’s (alaihissalam) acceptance of repentance?
Teachings of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) regarding Waseelah.
Quranic lessons & examples of Waseela from Quran.
Concepts & method of Prophet’s companions (Sallallaho alaihi wasallam, Ridwanullahi Ta’ala Alaihim ajma’een).
And the answers of opponents’ objections.
Dua e Talib
Mohammed Aarif Waghoo