关于Wateeny - Free Classifieds
Look around your house. We bet there are hundreds of forgotten old items, gathering dust, that
you never looked back at! Old mobile phones, used electronics, cars, furniture and a lot of other
stuff is replaced by upgrades, newer wants and yearly online shopping deals.
How about we give those used stuff an opportunity to earn you some money for even more
shopping!? As the saying goes, “Old is the new new.” Stuff in your house is never too old to throw
away. All it needs a right platform and a right marketplace where it is valued.
We bring you Wateeny - A unique marketplace to list your old, used items with free classifieds, put
them on sale, advertise and auction them off to a local or a global buyer!
It doesn't just end there. You can browse through thousands of second-hand as well as new stuff
from local sellers across 30+ categories, exchange them for your old goods or bid on them to buy
at the best rates possible!
## Business Ads & Brochures ##
Get creative and gain more visibility by our interactive business ads and shareable one-link
— Takes less than 30 sec to present your brochure to the world
— Direct interaction with your customers & instant feedback
— Generate a Higher Response Rate
— Brochure integrated with Google maps
— Targeting Capabilities
— 5 images for each brochure
## Its Simple To Use Wateeny##
Simply download the app, make and verify your account, take a quick snap of your old stuff from
the app itself and upload it on a free classified ad!
List the item for sale or auction, talk directly with buyers and sit back while you get the best deal!
As a buyer, you can browse through products and offers, talk directly with seller, negotiate and get
the best price!
## More Than Just a Marketplace ##
— Enjoy free classified ads and services, forever.
— Local and Global listings for easy exchange
— Snap N Sell - As easy as that
— 30+ Categories to Buy & Sell Stuff online
— 3 Selling Types for Items: Auction, Fixed, Open
— Participate in Bidding wars to get the best deal online
— Integrated with social networks
— 24/7 live support in App
— Create your favorite list
— Choose your preferred browsing option (List & catalogue)
— Track your brochure: No. of Impression, No. of Likes, No. of Favorites
— Choose your market (Local, Global)
What are you still waiting for? Don't miss out on encashing your old used stuff, buying some
awesome second hand items and get some best deals on the app!
Share Wateeny with friends and give us your valuable suggestions and feedback!
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